When it comes to winter weather Kansas City is loaded for bear.
100 million pounds of salt: That’s how much the city has stockpiled to help keep the roads ice-free this winter. They started planning for this winter’s snow back during the summer when you didn’t have anything on your mind but flip-flops and crabgrass. The city has added hundreds of new drivers and dozens of new vehicles to the snow removal fleet.
They’ve got a detailed plan in place to keep nearly 400 vehicles and hundreds of workers on the job 24 hours a day to keep 100 routes and 6,400 lane miles of blacktop clear when the big storm comes.
Winter starts this week, and the city is ready. Is your ride?

Free Winter Vehicle Checkups at Gary Crossley Ford
December 21st is the winter solstice, the official start of winter, and literally hours before some of the busiest travel days of the year. Sounds like a pretty good time to bring your car, truck or SUV in and get the official Gary Crossley Ford thumbs up, okey dokey, and seal of approval.
We’re offering FREE winter inspections to help get you where you’re going.
Why would we do that?
Well, Every time you get to your holiday events safe, sound, and on time an angel (and a Gary Crossley Ford service tech) gets their wings.
Are your tires ready to go over the hills and through the woods?
Sure, you could whip out a penny and try that thing you saw on Gary Crossley Ford’s YouTube channel that one time to see if your tires have enough tread left to make the trip. You can trust your family’s safety to ol’ Honest Abe, or you could swing by Gary Crossley Ford and let our pros give them a thorough look over – FOR FREE.
You could trust that this next cold snap isn’t going to be the one that drains that last ounce of juice from your 43-month-old 36-month battery and leaves you stranded at the 7-Eleven and makes you late for work again.
Or you could bring it to us and let us do a professional battery inspection FOR FREE
We’ll check your alignment – FOR FREE
Did we mention how much it’ll cost you to bring your vehicle in for a FREE winter inspection at Gary Crossley Ford? (cough, FREE)
That’s right: ZERO, ZIP, NADA

Experience the Gary Crossley Difference
Ok so you’re on to us. Of course, we’re hoping that once you’re in here, once your vehicle is up on the rack, you’ll choose to let us help you out with any service or repairs that need to be made.
But like everything we do here at Gary Crossley Ford, it’s easy like Sunday morning we have savings and discounts available on many of our services from oil changes to the full-blown Winterization Special.
And if something unexpected does show up, we’re not going to let a last-minute surprise expense add any more stress to your holidays.
We’ll fix it for you now. You pay for it sometime next year.
You can schedule your free winter checkup online at https://www.garycrossleyford.com/schedule-service/
Safe travels, and Happy Holidays!