How To Know When It Is Time to Replace Your Windshield Wipers

Windshield Wipers

It starts off like any other morning and ends with your windshield looking like a cross between a Jackson Pollock painting and your toddlerā€™s dirty diaper just after he discovers what those little tape pieces are for.

The dust and pollen on your windshield are a little irritating, but itā€™s no big deal as you hit the 435 N ramp on your way to work a few minutes ahead of schedule for once. 

Then the rain starts. Gently at first. The wipers should be able to handle that on intermittent, but itā€™s not helping much at all.

Then the skies open up. Traffic slows down, and your crappy old wipers arenā€™t handling the deluge well at all. No matter which lane youā€™re in, thereā€™s an 18-wheeler ahead of you splashing up a tidal wave on your windshield  ā€“ rain runoff, road grime, motor oilā€¦ 

And chocolate pudding? That canā€™t be right.

Your old wipers can barely even push the gunk around, much less clean it off. Worst of all, you have no one to complain about it to because your spouse told you the wipers needed to be checked.

I bet thatā€™s them calling to remind you now!

It would be funny if it werenā€™t so dangerous. Almost 1 out of 4 vehicle accidents are weather related, and when crappy wipers limit your visibility, you and your family are at serious risk.

How can you tell your windshield wipers need replacing?

If youā€™ve been married any length of time at all, you understand that as a general rule of thumb your wipers should be replaced as soon as your spouse mentions that they were looking a little streaky. Like that day.

Another sure sign that your wipers need to be replaced is when they start to make that CH CH CH CH Chalk on a blackboard chattering/squeaking noise. 

For those of you without a considerate, thoughtful spouse to remind you of your shortcomings, November 16th is the perfect day to make sure you donā€™t get stuck on the interstate with your windshield looking like a kindergartnerā€™s art project.

International Check Your Wipers Day is a gentle reminder before the onset of the holiday travel season, the long dark nights of winter, and the freezing cold mornings stuck in traffic trying to defrost and de-ice your windshield.

bad Windshield Wipers

How much does it cost to change your wipers at Gary Crossley Ford?

Thereā€™s the good news, in honor of International Check Your Wipers Day, Gary Crossley Ford will check your windshield wipers for free. 

Just kidding. Weā€™ll inspect your wipers for free any day of the year as part of our Crossley Quick Lane complimentary multipoint inspection with any Quick Lane service.

Then if it turns out your significant other was correct, and your wipers do need replacing, we have monthly specials right now that let you replace front wipers from just $51 and rear wipers for as little as $24.

Experience The Crossley Difference

You save a little money, you keep your family safe, and your spouse thinks youā€™re the hero. Winner winner chicken dinner.

And at Gary Crossley Ford, weā€™re all about making you look like a hero. Other car dealers go on and on about how awesome they are and how many vehicles they sell, but at #MyKCFord, we know itā€™s not about us.

Weā€™re in business for you ā€“ to solve your transportation problems, to help keep your family safe, and to make you happy.

Now letā€™s have a look at those crappy wipers.



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