The Founding Fathers Didnā€™t Fight For You To Drive an Ugly Truck

Missouri Truck Owners Bill of Rights

Four score and seven years ago.

(Actually 11 score and 11 years ago today, but that doesnā€™t have qute the same ring to it.)

Our founding fathers decided that sending the Brits back home to the king, establishing the home of the free/land of the brave, and establishing a new form of government by the people, for the people just wasnā€™t enough. 

What America needed was MORE FREEDOM. More freedom, more better, right!?

So they amended the U.S. Constitution to give Americans more rights, more protection, and more freedoms. On December 15th, 1791 they added the Bill of Rights to what was already the most freedom-loving document ever written.

Now 231 years later (11 score and 11 years, go ahead; check the math), Gary Crossley Ford is piling on with more rights, more protection, and more freedoms for Missouri truck lovers like you with our very own trucking bill of rights.

founding fathers

No one should ever have to drive an ugly truck

One of those founding father dudes said ā€œGive me liberty or give me death.ā€ Dudeā€™s loved freedom.

Like we love trucks.

If youā€™re driving an ugly truck now because you think thatā€™s all you can afford. If you think an ugly truck is what it takes to do the job you do or if society has you convinced that an ugly truck is all you deserve, Gary Crossley Ford invites you to join in our revolution.

We have gorgeous trucks to fit every budget. We have gorgeous trucks that have what it takes to get the job done whatever the job is, and we have trucks that when you strap yourself in every day will remind you are worthy. You deserve this.

Seriously you just set a reminder in Siri or Alexa or whatever robot you like, and theyā€™ll remind you. Easy Peasy.

Crossley Customs Ford truck

No citizen shall ever be forced to drive a stock, off-the-rack truck that looks like everyone elseā€™s stock, off-the-rack truck

There are a lot of trucks on the road today in Missouri, and a lot of them are just plain ugly. Gary Crossley Ford can only help those who are willing to help themselves. 

Itā€™s important that we donā€™t take half-measures though, getting a non-ugly truck just is not good enough. We didnā€™t come this far to only come this far. 

You can custom order a new Ford truck to express your unique identity in the color you want, with the options you want, with the massive amounts of horsepower and the giant tires you want.  You have that freedom.

You can choose new Ford Mavericks, Rangers, F150s, and Super Duty that fit your way of life, your beliefs, and your culture.

Then, weā€™ll introduce you to Crossley Customs Performance and Speed Shop where we can make your trucking dreams come true. If you can think it up, we can make it happen. You have the right to fly your truck flag high and let the world know which side youā€™re on.

Every truck lover in Missouri has the right to experience the Crossley difference.

Regardless of your race, creed, religion, social standing, or the number of commas in your bank account, you have the right to be treated like the most important person in the worldā€¦

Because you are.

Weā€™re only here because of truck lovers like you so whether youā€™re looking for a brand spanking new, custom, top-of-the-line Super Duty Raptor with all the fixings or you need to help your 16-year-old buy their very first used truck, Gary Crossley Ford is here fighting for you.

Fighting for your rights to keep on trucking.



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